In December 2016, SEMI released SEMI P44-1216 which is an update to SEMI P44-0316. The new release relaxes the 32-bit coordinate space restriction for the top cell to 64-bit.
In February 2017, Yotta released a rewrite of its P44 regression test cases which are up-to-date with the latest specification, including extensive testing of the localization of top cell mask data throughout the new 64-bit coordinate space.
In total, there are 13,420 regressions by the following categories, alphabetically:
. . . Allowed, 404
. . . Cell Placements, 1,817
. . . Common Cells, 2,249
. . . Figures, 1,817
. . . File name, 28
. . . Ignored, 178
. . . Localized Area, 2,249
. . . Localized Areas, 2,249
. . . Mandatory, 172
. . . Prohibited, 8
. . . Top Cell Placement, 2,249
There are two types of test cases. Those which test language of the specification and those which test the numerical limits of the specification, both maximum and minimum limits. There are test cases which are meant to fail. As well, there are positive analogs of those which fail.
The test cases extensively cover the outer reaches of 32-bit and 64-bit coordinate spaces for 3rd and 2nd level cells and the top level, respectively. Each allowed geometry-type is tested as individual shapes within these spaces through to their repeated use, with types 0-3 repetitions, while being placed in all cell levels of hierarchy and while being localized, using multiple localization area and common cell configurations.
The two sets of documentation are extensive which includes documentation that is embedded within each test case. The 57 page external documentation describes how the test cases are constructed and the test case development strategy. The embedded documentation offers an immediate description that is unique to each test case:
. . . SEMI Standard Document Version: SEMI P44-1216
. . . Test_case_designation: {CORRECT|FATAL|WARNING|DANGEROUS}
. . . P44/P39 Section(s)
. . . P44/P39 Figure(s)/Table(s)
. . . Test Case Description
A copy of Yotta's P44 Regression Test Cases Developer's Notes can be downloaded by the, above, download link. If you cannot download, directly, ask to have the PDF file sent via e-mail. Simply click on the button, above, next to "Request More Information."
typedef struct _oasisReaderPath {
oasisUInt layer,dataType,halfWidth;
oasisInt startExt,endExt;
rawPointList *ptList;
oasisPropertyList *propList;
} oasisReaderPath;
* US Patents 9,122,825, 8,555,219, 8,266,571 and 7,685,545.
International Patents: China 200980129771.8, Japan 4768896, Korea 10-1580258, Israel 209907, European Patent 2310967.